Quel CBD choisir ? Le guide complet
- lionel quataert

Which CBD to choose? The complete guide

How to choose the best CBD product?

CBD oil, chewing gum, cream to apply to the skin, balm, capsule, softgel, e-liquid... To meet consumer requirements, CBD or cannabidiol is offered in different forms. But what is the best CBD product? To be honest, there is no ready answer to this question. This depends, among other things, on individual preferences and tastes. In any case, it is important to choose quality CBD in order to benefit from all its benefits.

The key points to respect when choosing the right CBD

In recent years, CBD has gained a lot of attention. Praised by many consumers for its scientifically proven virtues, cannabidiol improves our health on several points.

How would cannabidiol impact our health? Well ! It's simple. It binds and interacts with our endocannabinoid system .

You should know that the human body naturally produces two types of cannabinoids called endocannabinoids (anandamides and 2 — AG). These act on CB1 and CB2 receptors which regulate metabolism, mood and the immune system.

As for cannabinoids, they are exogenous. They are also called phytogens or phytocananbinoids. These are contained in certain plants, more particularly in cannabis sativa. When endonnabinoids are insufficient to ensure the proper functioning of the endocannabinoid system , phytocannabinoids can be used to improve general health.

To choose the right CBD for your needs and one that meets all the quality criteria, here are the elements to take into account before ordering cannabis.

The source of hemp

Hemp would be one of the first plants domesticated by man , first in Asia then on all continents. After having been banned or heavily regulated (cannabis has psychotropic properties), the cultivation of hemp is today authorized in many countries.

Which CBD to choose? The best CBD product comes from organic hemp grown in the European Union. Indeed, this type of culture is bioaccumulative. In other words, hemp was grown in rich soil and a pure environment. All conditions are therefore met for the plant to maintain the quality of its components.

Furthermore, remember that to be legal, the CBD product must contain a level of THC within the limits imposed by law. European CBD producers are required to comply with food safety standards and ensure that the product complies with European regulations.

The type of extraction

The type of extraction is in fact another element to take into account when you want to know which CBD to choose. You should know that cannabidiol can be extracted from the hemp plant in different ways:

  • with oil;
  • with liquid chemical solvents such as butane, propane, hexane, ethanol or isopropyl alcohol;
  • or with supercritical CO2.

The first method is simply to use oil to heat extract the CBD. If it has the advantage of being completely artisanal, therefore harmless, it does not allow for a high concentration of CBD. In addition, CBD cannot be stored for a long time.

With the second method, the health risks are very high. And for good reason, a tiny part of the chemicals used to extract CBD can be found in the final product. Not only does this harm health, but it also impairs the scientifically proven therapeutic effects of CBD.

The best method of extracting CBD remains the use of supercritical CO2. In fact, carbon dioxide helps maintain the purity of cannabidiol. CBD therefore does not contain any preservatives or chemicals. Although this method has the merit of being safe, it requires expensive resources (specific materials and dedicated laboratory)

The dosage

The dosage of CBD is not the same depending on its form. Thus, we will not find the same concentration of cannabidiol in CBD oil and in e-liquids for example.

To help consumers choose the best hemp oil and other CBD products, manufacturers often list the cannabidiol level on the label, either in mg or as a percentage. The choice of CBD dose will depend, among other things, on the patient's state of health, their body weight and the severity of their symptoms.

For beginners, it is advisable to buy CBD with a low concentration divided into at least three doses, then gradually increase the dose by approximately one drop per day. And this, within the limit of the maximum dosage according to body weight.

In all cases, it is advisable to consult a doctor before purchasing cannabis to check for contraindications or other interactions with certain medications.

Choosing a suitable CBD extract

CBD oil extract can take several forms:

  • isolate it;
  • full-spectrum CBD;
  • and broad-spectrum CBD.
  • The choice of CBD oil will mainly depend on the desired effect.

The Isolate

Isolate is the purest form of CBD. This is an extract where the CBD has been isolated from all other components of the hemp plant to obtain up to 99% pure CBD crystals. Therefore, the isolate does not contain THC, terpenes or flavonoids.

CBD isolate can be consumed as is or used in other products such as CBD oil, e-liquids, balms and creams to apply to the skin, etc. Furthermore, it is also possible to use CBD isolate in cooking by incorporating it, for example, into frying oil or butter.

The full spectrum

Full spectrum CBD oil contains all the active substances of cannabis sativa (CBD, CBG, CBN, CBV, CBDV...), including THC. This allows it to provide an entourage effect (amplification of the therapeutic effects of each cannabinoid when they are combined in the same product). The amount of cannabinoids contained in CBD oil will depend on the variety of hemp used. In any case, the product must contain less than 0.2% THC to be legal.

Purchasing CBD online from a trusted site allows you to have full-spectrum CBD with a THC level below the legal limit.

Broad Spectrum CBD

Like full-spectrum CBD, broad-spectrum CBD contains all components of the plant except THC. This form of CBD oil allows you to benefit from all the benefits of the plant, without the psychotropic effect of THC. It is aimed at consumers who do not wish to test positive for THC for professional or legal reasons. Furthermore, it is also ideal for first use.

Summary: points to remember on how to choose CBD

Basically, which CBD to choose? Well, it depends on several factors:

  • consumer needs and tastes;
  • the method of consumption (oral, sublingual, inhalation or topically );
  • the desired effect;
  • physical condition;
  • health status.

Furthermore, it is also necessary to ensure the quality of the product. To do this, it is necessary to pay attention to several points:

  • the origin of the hemp plant and its cultivation method;
  • the extraction method;
  • the dose of CBD contained in the product.

As has been said, hemp grown in the European Union respects the quality charter imposed by the regulations in force.


How to choose CBD?

To get the best CBD oil, it is useful to take into account the criteria cited above. Therefore, the price should not influence the case in any way. Generally, the best CBD product has a price due to the cultivation method, the type of extraction, etc.

By choosing the best site to order CBD, you ensure you have a quality product, providing all the benefits of CBD and

What is the best CBD oil in 2021?

The best CBD oil in 2021 is broad spectrum CBD extract. This oil combines:

  • the healing effects of CBD;
  • the sedative effects of CBN;
  • the anti-inflammatory, antidepressant, antifungal and anticancer properties of CBC;
  • the anticonvulsant and antinausea properties of CBDV:
  • and CBG's abilities to relax muscles, improve mood and appetite, protect nerves, etc.

What is the strongest CBD?

The strongest CBD products are CBD crystals which can be up to 99% pure.