RACE - Research Award for Cannabis in Europe

2024 Edition - 4 prizes of €2,500 for European students

RACE wants to enable the world to maximize the usefulness of the cannabis plant and respond to the future challenges of our society.
This is a family of excellence prizes intended to reward and motivate European students to carry out work on the cannabis plant as part of their European higher education course (according to the decree of Bologna).


We believe that the cannabis plant has the potential to improve our lives in multiple ways. RACE wants to encourage young researchers to take an interest in it. We must refine the collective knowledge of the plant, in order to exploit it as best as possible.

  • RACE - Medicine

    New care or prevention practices, new approaches to
    our health care system, research on the interaction between the plant and our body.

  • RACE - Pharma

    Research on improving the bioavailability of
    cannabinoids, on the effects of a cannabinoid
    in particular or on the pharmacokinetics of a

  • RACE - Biological/Agro

    Research on the plant, the different varieties, the stages of production, the study of a cannabinoid in particular.

  • RACE - Others

    This can include engineering, law, IT, social and political sciences, economics in the broad sense. For example: Research on processing, transport, conservation, marketing and distribution, policies that regulate or facilitate these aspects.

In practice


Article 1. Introduction

The RACEs form a family of excellence prizes intended to reward and motivate European higher education students (as specified in the Bologna decree) to carry out work on the cannabis plant. The foundation's vision is that of a cannabis plant serving society, which improves the quality of life for all in an equitable manner. The vision of a society that has succeeded in changing its perception of the plant and transforming an uncontrolled enemy into a trustworthy ally, a friend.
This vision, which underlies the RACE selection criteria, simultaneously and harmoniously combines 3 dimensions: social good, environmental good and temporal continuity.
With this in mind, RACE candidates must provide in their file perspectives through which their work will enable society to respond to current and future challenges by proposing innovative alternatives for action and/or reflection on the cannabis plant, its place and function in our society.

PLEASE NOTE : The RACE in no way want to promote the plant in its use as a drug. On the contrary, the goal is to promote the plant in other areas, to exploit its qualities and not its faults.

Article 2. Objective of the price

The prize, amounting to 2,500 euros, annually rewards the work of graduate students (as specified in the Bologna Decree) which advances thinking and/or practices regarding the cannabis plant. in their field.

RACE Medicine

Prize of excellence of €2,500 for work that advances thinking and/or practices related to cannabis and medicine. These include new care or prevention practices, new approaches to our health care system, and research on the interaction between the plant and our body.

RACE Pharma

Prize of excellence of €2,500 for work that advances thinking and/or practices related to cannabis and pharmacy. This may involve, for example, research on improving the bioavailability of cannabinoids, on the effects of a particular cannabinoid, or the pharmacokinetics of a cannabinoid.

RACE Biology-agronomy

Prize of excellence of €2,500 for work that advances thinking and/or practices related to the biology and agriculture of the cannabis plant. This includes research on the plant, the different varieties, the stages of production, the factors influencing the production of a particular cannabinoid.


Prize of excellence of €2,500 for work that advances thinking and/or practices related to something other than biology, medicine and pharmacy. This includes engineering, law, IT, social and political sciences, economics in the broad sense. This includes research on processing, transport, conservation, marketing and distribution, and policies that regulate or facilitate these aspects.

Article 3. Eligibility criteria

To be eligible for the 2024 edition of RACE, the candidate must:

1) Be a student at a university or college of European university level (EU-28), as specified in the Bologna Decree.

2) Register by sending the completed application form to CBX Foundation before September 15, 2022, at 11:59 p.m. in electronic format (info@cannabis-race.eu)

3) Send before October 15, 2024 (at 11:59 p.m.) to CBX a work which:

  • meets the purpose of the prizes set out in Article 2 as well as the scope of the prize for which he is applying.
  • was defended between 09.15.2022 and 09.20.2024, within a European university or university education establishment;
  • was carried out within the specific framework of a course or curriculum within these establishments;
  • is characterized by a scientific or meticulous and detailed approach, integrating the 3 dimensions specific to the vision of CBX Foundation: social good, environmental good and temporal continuity.

The foundation reserves the right to reject work which clearly does not meet these criteria.

Article 4. Application form

It is important to carefully complete this application form. In fact, the selection takes place in two rounds. During the 1st round, the selection of finalists will be made mainly on the basis of this application form.

The foundation reserves the right to reject work which clearly does not meet these criteria.

  • an identification sheet of the author and his work;
  • a summary of the project, concisely exposing the work and its issues and explaining how the object of study and the approach followed is innovative.
  • an explanation of the dissertation's contribution to the CBX Foundation's vision. How the treatment of the subject studied integrates the three dimensions.
  • an optional space allowing the candidate to make suggestions for specific promotion of their work;
  • a curriculum vitae and passport photo;
  • 1 to 3 representative images (plans, sections, photographs) illustrating the subject covered.

The application form must be written in English. The work may, however, have been written in French, Dutch or English. There is no age limit or nationality conditions for participation in the RACE.

Article 5. Submission of the application file

The deadline for submitting application files is September 15, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. (GMT+1).

The application form, the curriculum vitae and any annexes must be returned to the prize secretariat (see Article 15. Contact details) duly completed, only in electronic form, by email (possibly via the free large file transfer servicehttps: //www.wetransfer.com or an equivalent service). The foundation will send the candidate an acknowledgment of receipt by email within 5 working days following receipt of the application file.

Participation in the prize is final after confirmation of receipt of the file by CBX foundation. If there is any doubt as to whether it has been received correctly, the candidate can contact the foundation. If necessary, the foundation will contact the candidate to ask them to provide clarification on certain aspects of the file.

Article 6. Jury and selection process

The deadline for submitting application files is September 15, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. (GMT+1).

CBX Foundation will ensure the admissibility of the applications sent on the basis of the eligibility criteria detailed in article 3. In case of doubt, the president. The jury will be consulted. e and his opinion will be law. An independent jury, separate from the foundation and multidisciplinary, is responsible for selecting 5 nominees (maximum) per prize. This independent Jury will be composed of a maximum of 8 Belgian or foreign personalities from the scientific world, the media, the economic world and the associative sector related to the purpose of CBX foundation. The composition of the jury will be made public in September on www. cbxmedical.com/foundation-race (cannabis-race.eu).

The selection takes place in two rounds.

First round: the application forms are analyzed individually by the members of the jury between October 1 and 31, 2024. They are based solely on the application forms to select 5 candidates. es, by price category, who will participate in the second round, that is to say the finalists of the edition. These finalists will send their dissertation to the members of the jury, as well as a presentation (power-point) of their work which will be presented at the final ceremony.

Second round: The winner of each category will be the nominee. who will have obtained the best points among the finalists. Points are given out of 100 in the following proportions:

  • 20% of the points will be directly awarded by the public, via an online voting system open between October 1 and October 31, 2024. The nominee with the most votes will obtain the maximum score (40/40). The other nominees will have a quota in proportion to the number of votes they obtained.
  • 40% of the points will be awarded by the same independent jury that selected the nominees. The ratings will be made public on November 10, 2024.
  • 40% of the points will be awarded during the ceremony, by the same independent jury and solely based on the presentation of the results of their work.

In cases where there are fewer than 6 candidates for the prize, only the second round of the jury is maintained.

The jury is sovereign in its decisions, in the interpretation and application of the regulations. Its decisions are made by consensus, if consensus is not obtained, decisions will then be taken by simple majority vote, with each member of the jury having one vote. In the event of a tie, the vote of the president will be decisive. Voting during the ceremony will take place by secret ballot. Any member of the jury who has been the research director of a pre-selected candidate or has a link to the research presented must refrain from participating in the debate and the vote concerning this candidate.

Article 7. Selection criteria

The work of candidates who meet the eligibility criteria will be submitted to the jury. The jury aims to distinguish candidate files which best meet the following criteria:

7.1. Response to a social issue
The work must have investigated and contributed to providing answers to one or more of the fundamental issues facing our societies.

7.2. Approach on the 3 dimensions
Very concretely, the works will maximize their chance of winning jury points if the work they provide radiates direct and indirect positive externalities, for man, for the planet and for the future.

Important! It is not expected that the work presented meets all of the concerns presented below. They should be considered as potentially relevant points of attention in a dissertation which aims to provide a response to the issues of the world in which we live.

Social: The impact on the well-being of human beings, at local and global levels, in the short and long term.
Examples of key questions (non-exhaustive): social and ethical responsibility, accessibility to as many people as possible, social equity and solidarity, integration, living environment, education and training, improvement of social ties and conviviality, etc.
: The impact on the environment taken in the broad sense, at local and global levels, in the short and long term.
Examples of key questions: eco-efficiency / limited or positive impact on the environment and living environment, climate & greenhouse gases, rational use of energy, respect for nature, its biodiversity and its resources, prevention and management of waste and pollution, reasonable use of space, etc.

Temporal: The impact must be lasting, that is to say everything that it must allow to sustainably increase/maintain the resources of people/organizations and the community.
Examples of key questions: overall cost approach and long-term economic viability, flexibility in relation to future developments, performance at the collective level and not just individual, autonomy, solidity.

Article 8. Proclamation of the price

The prize will be awarded during a public proclamation session in the presence of members of the jury, RACE partners, the academic community, the press and external guests, at the start of the school year 2024-2025 (the official date will be confirmed in 2024). A media promotion campaign will follow the public proclamation session.

Presentations can be organized digitally. However, for the sake of fairness, CBX Foundation will financially support foreign students (not from Belgian universities/schools) during their presence in Belgium for the presentation. This does not include transport to Belgium.

Article 9. Distinction of the winner and any nominees

The author of the winning or nominated work receives the title of “winner/nominee of RACE 2024”. For each RACE, one of the nominees is declared the winner by the jury, while the 4 (maximum) other candidates retain their status as nominees.
Everyone is awarded and therefore “winner”. The status of the nominee is, in a way, “second place” on the podium. The financial prize consists of an amount of €2,500 which is only given to the winner (not to the nominees), revealed during the ceremony.
This amount is remitted, at the choice of the winner, either to his or her personal account, or to the account of a research institution with which he or she collaborates if he or she deems it useful within the framework of the valorization of his final thesis. In addition, CBX Foundation will promote the various texts relating to the winning dissertation to the media and its contact networks. The foundation may do the same with the documents, listed in article 4 above, relating to the nominated end-of-study dissertations. All documents produced as part of these awards may be referenced on the foundation's website (unless confidentiality clause is accepted).

Article 10. Commitments of the winner and any nominees

The winner and nominees. s undertake to:

  • Participate in the media campaign and promotion of the winning dissertations which will be organized by CBX Foundation: presentation on the website www.cbxmedical.com/foundation, publication, press release, interviews, power point montage, etc.
  • Participate in the awards ceremony to receive their (their) prize and present their (their) work;
  • Participate in the “meet the nominees” day, in order to discuss possible synergies with other researchers;
  • Participate in possible presentations of the prize at futur.e. s candidate. s ;

Article 11. Information for candidates

No information regarding the outcome of an application file can be given before the end of the selection procedure. The results of the selection will be published when the winner and nominees are announced on the foundation's website. Candidates whose application file was not admitted (deemed ineligible) as well as candidates whose application file was selected but not awarded an award (neither winner nor nominee) will be informed. digitally.

Article 12. Ownership and use of documents

Participants retain all intellectual property rights over all documents submitted to the foundation as part of their application, including copyright. The foundation is, however, authorized by the candidates to reproduce, distribute and communicate all or part of these documents, in a non-commercial manner, clearly attributing paternity to the author, without prior consent from the author. and without copyright remuneration.

Article 13. Calendar

Participate in the “meet the nominees” day, in order to discuss possible synergies with other researchers.

  • September 2022: opening of the call for applications;
  • September 15, 2024: closing of the call for applications;
  • September 30, 2024: Communication from the winners
  • October 15, 2024: Deadline for submission of dissertations
  • November 2024: Prize presentation and announcement ceremony, followed by a campaign to promote the winning work.

Article 14. Scope of the regulation

Submitting an application form implies acceptance of these regulations, which cannot be contested. Cases which are not covered by these regulations or which give rise to disputes concerning the interpretation, evaluation, admissibility of the work and/or the candidates will be irrevocably decided by the administrators of CBX Foundation.

Article 15. Contact details

CBX Foundation ASBL

58 rue de la bâchée, 1380 Plancenoit

Email: info@cannabis-race.eu

Race Schedule 2024


Calls for applications are open from September 15, 2022 and close on September 15, 2024 .


  • The members of the jury will be presented on this site at the beginning of September
  • The names of the 5 nominees in each category are made public on September 30, 2024.
  • The nominees must submit their work by October 15 maximum , as well as the presentation they must present during the ceremony.


The winner of each category will be the nominee. who will have obtained the best rating among the finalists. Ratings are given out of 100 points in the following proportions:

  • 20% of the points will be directly awarded by the public, via an online voting system open between September 30 and October 31, 2024 . The calculation methods are written in the regulations.
  • 40% of the points will be awarded by the independent jury. Ratings will be made public on November 10, 2024.
  • 40% of the points will be awarded during the proclamation ceremony, by the independent jury and solely based on the delivery of the presentation of the results of their work. The ceremony will take place between November 11 and 18


Send the completed registration form with the necessary attachments before September 15, 2024 to info@cannabis-race.eu.
By sending this application, you implicitly accept the rules.

Online at this link

A superb 2022 edition!

Jury and public 2022

Winner 2022 RACE Other

Winner 2022 RACE Other

Winner 2022 RACE Other