L'expérience de Jessica avec le CBD Part 1

L'implication du système endocannabinoïde dans ...

L'implication du système endocannabinoïde dans l'apprentissage et la mémoire Le système endocannabinoïde joue un rôle crucial dans le mécanisme de l'apprentissage et de la mémoire. Il est essentiel de comprendre son implication dans ces processus cognitifs pour élucider les effets du cannabis sur la fonction de mémorisation. Dans ce blog, nous allons explorer la physiologie du système endocannabinoïde et son...

Optimization of Hemp Cultivation for Complete V...

Hemp cultivation is booming, and for good reason. This versatile plant offers a multitude of applications, from the production of phytocannabinoids such as CBD or CBG to the creation of high-quality fiber. In this study, we delved into the complex world of hemp cultivation, with a focus on the varieties Felina 32 and Santhica 27, to discover the optimal harvest...

Potassium Deficiency in Hemp Cultivation: Impac...

Growing hemp can be subject to various challenges, one of the most common of which is potassium deficiency. This deficiency can have a significant impact on plant health and crop quality. Potassium deficiency often manifests itself as yellowing of the leaf edges, while the main veins remain green. As the deficiency progresses, leaf tips may dry out and turn brown,...

Hemp Varieties: Felina 32 and Santhica 27 - Cha...

In the fascinating world of hemp cultivation, choosing the right variety can be the key to success and is therefore of utmost importance. Two varieties of particular interest in the quest for zero waste farming are Felina 32 and Santhica 27, each bringing its distinct characteristics and unique potential to CBX medical's arsenal. Felina 32 - Natural Balance Felina 32...

Hemp Growth: Key Factors and Unexpected Trends

Growing hemp plants is a complex process that can be influenced by several factors. In general, plant growth follows a typical sigmoid curve. Plants grow to a maximum height, then growth slows as they focus their energy on flowering and reproducing. This growth therefore reaches a flowering plateau. During the experimental hemp cultivation carried out by CBX this year, the...

'Zero Waste' Hemp Farming: A Sustainable and Pr...

The hemp plant, or Cannabis Sativa, is well known for its many applications in sectors such as construction, textiles, food, cosmetics and health. Each industry seeks to exploit the part of the plant that interests it the most. However, a more holistic approach is to explore hemp farming from a zero waste perspective. Let us also remember that this plant...

Sciatic nerve pain: know everything about this ...

Sciatica is a pain that corresponds to an inflammation of the sciatic nerve , a nerve that runs along your leg which comes more or less from the lower back and which passes through your gluteal region to run along your leg , a pain that is triggered at the back can theoretically spread along the buttock, the back of...

Which CBD to choose? The complete guide

How to choose the best CBD product? CBD oil, chewing gum, cream to apply to the skin, balm, capsule, softgel, e-liquid... To meet consumer requirements, CBD or cannabidiol is offered in different forms. But what is the best CBD product? To be honest, there is no ready answer to this question. This depends, among other things, on individual preferences and...

CBD crystals: the complete guide

CBD crystals: the complete guide to proper use Coming from hemp, CBD (cannabidiol) has generated real enthusiasm among the pharmaceutical industries in recent years. Its virtues, supported by numerous scientific studies, also make it a very effective alternative for alleviating the symptoms of various health disorders. It would therefore be a healthy treatment complement. Many products also highlight this natural...