The effects of cannabis oil on cancer | CBXMEDI...

The effects of cannabis oil on cancer Cancer is the second leading cause of death internationally according to the World Health Organization (10 million deaths each year). This pathology, which can develop in different forms, requires extensive treatment. However, the process is accompanied by numerous side effects which can be disabling in daily life. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite,...

CBD recipe: the best homemade recipes | CBXMEDI...

What are the best CBD recipes? Consuming CBD by inhalation, by sublingual absorption in the form of oil drops or by local application in the form of a cream, has been seen and reviewed again and again. What if we took CBD in a more fun and creative way? To do this, simply invite cannabidiol into the kitchen. In fact,...

CBD herbal tea: the simple recipe! | CBXMEDICAL

CBD herbal tea: the steps to successfully infuse it Concocted from THC-free or low-THC cannabis leaf, or with soluble CBD oil, CBD herbal tea is appreciated for its rich taste. Indeed, thanks to the terpenes it contains, the cannabis flower offers a range of flavors that appeals to all tastes. A healthy alternative to inhaling or smoking, CBD herbal tea...

Psoriasis and CBD: Types and uses

Psoriasis is a skin disease that causes bumpy red patches on, among other things, the knees, elbows and trunk. In psoriasis, skin cells multiply ten times faster than usual and cause flaking on the surface of the skin. Inflammation and redness around the scales causes whitish-silver patches and thick red patches on the skin. In general, psoriasis is the result...

What types of CBD products are available?

CBD is a molecule from the cannabis plant. It is consumed today in various forms described in this article. Hemp or cannabis, from its botanical name cannabis sativa, is a plant that contains more than a hundred cannabinoids. These are active substances that interact with the human body via the endocannabinoid system . Some of these cannabinoids may have benefits,...

CBD for erectile dysfunction: a science-based a...

Understanding the role of CBD Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the major non-psychoactive components of cannabis. Its therapeutic potential in various areas, from epilepsy to anxiety, has been studied, with growing evidence of its effectiveness for certain conditions (Bergamaschi et al., Journal of Psychopharmacology , 2011). Vascular Mechanisms Erectile function depends on the ability of blood vessels to dilate properly....

The role of CBD in the management of ischemia

What is CBD? Cannabidiol, more commonly known as CBD, is one of several chemical compounds, called cannabinoids, found in the cannabis plant. Unlike THC, which is the main psychoactive in cannabis, CBD does not have an intoxicating effect. In recent years, CBD has gained popularity due to its potential therapeutic properties, supported by scientific studies. Understanding Ischemia Ischemia is a...

CBD and Fibromyalgia: An In-Depth Exploration

Definition of Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia is a disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain, persistent fatigue and sleep disturbances. Other symptoms may include morning stiffness, headaches, cognitive impairment, and increased sensitivity to various stimuli. Although the exact origins are unknown, factors such as infections, stress or trauma can trigger or exacerbate the disease. CBD in detail Cannabidiol (CBD) is a non-psychoactive compound...

Cannabidiol, a trendy cannabinoid

Why do we use CBD? In their scientific article entitled “A cross-sectional study of cannabidiol users”, the researchers, Jamie Corroon and Joy A. Phillips(1), asked in which situations patients used CBD. 1,483 patients using CBD completed the survey. The 5 most cited reasons are chronic painful situations, muscle and joint problems, anxiety, sleep disorders and mood disorders. (This is patient...

The various sleep cycles

We spend about a third of our lives sleeping. In fact, according to calculations, a person spends a total of between 25 and 27 years sleeping. This is regulated by the circadian rhythm (24 hours) and generally corresponds to 7 or 8 hours of this biological clock. Then, when we sleep, sleep is in turn divided into several cycles. Focus...