Les effets de l’huile de cannabis sur le cancer | CBXMEDICAL

The effects of cannabis oil on cancer | CBXMEDICAL

The effects of cannabis oil on cancer

Cancer is the second leading cause of death internationally according to the World Health Organization (10 million deaths each year). This pathology, which can develop in different forms, requires extensive treatment. However, the process is accompanied by numerous side effects which can be disabling in daily life. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, etc., it is not uncommon for patients to look for alternative solutions to relieve them. Several scientific researches focus in particular on the role of cannabinoids in this case. CBD oil in particular is often cited. So, what is the connection between cannabis oil and cancer? Response elements.

The virtues of CBD on cancer

The possible effects of cannabinoids are the subject of numerous studies. These focus more on cannabidiol or CBD (the second molecule contained in cannabis flower in terms of concentration). Unlike THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), this active substance does not have any psychotropic effects.

Currently, the fields of action of CBD are as numerous as they are diverse. Especially since today there are different types of CBD-derived products , including cannabis oil. Their antiepileptic, anxiolytic, anti-inflammatory and antipsychotic effects are supported by clinical evidence. In recent years, we have also been talking more and more about anti-cancer cannabis. According to some studies, endocannabinoids are actually effective in suppressing the growth of tumors . However, it should be noted that research in this regard is generally only in its early stages and has not yet been tested on human subjects until then.

So, the relationship between CBD oil and cancer is not yet established. However, there is more solid evidence relating the benefits of cannabinoids in the management of pain linked to heavy treatments associated with this pathology. Cannabinoid medications, including dronabinol (synthetic THC), are used in particular to reduce nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy.

In Belgium, Sativex® is the only cannabinoid medication authorized until today.

The effects of CBD on prostate cancer

Androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) is the gold standard treatment when it comes to prostate cancer. However, some studies suggest that prostate tissue has cannabinoid receptors. Their stimulation would then lead to a reduction in cell viability and an increase in apoptosis (programmed cell death).

In other words, cannabinoids prevent cancer cells from growing and dividing, which results in their death. Also, there is experimental evidence that cannabinoids possess anti-androgenic properties. However, the chemopreventive effect of CBD oil on prostate cancer has not yet been established.

Hemp oil to fight lung cancer

It may be interesting to further explore the use of hemp oil for lung cancer. This could be a potential treatment. At least that's what a case study published in BMJ Case Reports suggests. The latter focuses on the experience of an 80-year-old woman, a smoker and suffering from lung cancer. She then refused conventional treatments, including chemotherapy and radiotherapy, preferring to turn to medical cannabis for her illness.

She would have ingested 0.5 ml of CBD oil two to three times a day. The lung tumor would have gradually shrunk from 41 mm to 10 mm over a period of 2.5 years. If a possible beneficial link between the consumption of CBD oil and lung cancer could exist, it must nevertheless be recognized that more in-depth research is necessary to understand and establish this correlation.

Cancer and cannabis

How much does anti-cancer cannabis oil cost?

The possible benefits of cannabidiol are numerous. It is also possible to consume CBD in different forms. CBD oil, in particular, has been on sale over the counter in pharmacies since Monday February 10, 2020 in Belgium. However, the price of cannabidiol in pharmacies is often higher than the products offered in specialized online stores. In any case, the price of CBD oil generally ranges between 30 and 150 euros.

Where to buy cannabinoid medications?

Pharmacies offer many CBD-derived products. It is therefore possible to contact an approved professional to find cannabis oil against cancer. However, Belgium follows European legislation which authorizes the consumption and sale of cannabis containing less than 0.2% THC.

Recommendations for CBD treatment in case of cancer

Not all cannabis-derived products are equal when it comes to cancer treatment. It is therefore difficult to set a precise dosage for safe and effective use. This is all the more true when cannabinoid medications contain other molecules that are illegal. It is for this reason that it is recommended to opt for a licensed medication (for example: Sativex®) or for compounded preparations dispensed by an approved pharmacist.

Summary: Key points to remember about CBD and cancer

The link between cannabis oil and cancer has not yet been reliably established. Although some studies suggest that cannabinoids have an action on the inhibition of certain cannabinoid receptors, which can notably delay the progression of prostate cancer, the studies are only at the experimental level. For the moment, they do not include human subjects. Nevertheless, there is convincing scientific evidence on the benefits of CBD oil in relieving the side effects of heavy treatments (chemotherapy and radiotherapy). This is for example the case for nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite.


1. On which cancer is CBD effective?

The scientific evidence demonstrating the possible preventive and curative actions of CBD on cancer, of whatever form, is not yet sufficient at the moment. These are more testimonies relating personal experiences.

2. Does CBD relieve pain after chemo?

The use of medical cannabis, especially in the form of CBD oil, could help relieve the side effects of chemotherapy (nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, anxiety).

3. What is the price of cannabidiol in pharmacies?

The price differs depending on the product. For CBD oil, the cost can vary between 30 and 150 euros.